Early Years Childcare

My Reflective Journal

Entry #8, 30 October 2009

Today's activities were focused around Halloween! As such, the 2-3's and 3-4's were joined together to prepare/conduct activities suuch as ice hands, ice bowls, a Halloween party, face painting, costume contest, pizza making, etc. I helped stick the pizzas in the oven, as well as prepare the chocolate-covered apples.

The ideas sound great on paper, but I feel the kids didn't really enjoy it that much. Most of the activities required a lot of adult input, so it felt like the adults were doing most of everything while the children hardly did much. As such, I felt the children were more bored and confused by the activities, especially the "Halloween party" where everyone was just sat around the table. They lightened up when the icecream came out though.

Most of the kids came dressed up. Some were proud to show off their costumes, but some cried when they were asked to put them on.

J;b was in a terrible mood this morning. Upon entering the nursery, he just stood there with his head bowed, crying very loudly. This continued when he was put on a staff's lap, and then sat on the carpet as well. I tried to calm him, but he just kept crying.

Another child came over with a toy, which drew J'b's attention. He stopped crying immediately, and spoke in a cheerful tone, telling me where the toy was meant to go. Was he just pretending? It didn't seem like it. Perhaps J'b enjoys being helpful, as later on in the day he enthusiastically helped me out with the books as well.

B'a was off yesterday, because she trapped her finger in the door and had to be taken to hospital. She was in today, and eager to tell everyone about her finger. No bones were broken, or stitches required, but the cut was deep and her finger was bandaged.

B'a's mother instructed that she shouldn't be allowed to play in sand and water for a week, and generally not get her finger wet or dirty. This was upsetting for B'a, as she greatly enjoyed sand and water play. When I told her she couldn't, she tried to bargain, yelling "Just one hand! Just one hand!".

When I asked her what I/mummy said about her finger though, she would reluctantly answer, not to get it wet or dirty. It took awhile to get the message across, but I feel she got it in the end.

Moving Forward
I thought the Halloween party was a great idea at first, but at the end of the day, I felt the kids would have had more fun if they'd participated more. Of course, with 19 kids and so much to do, it's not that easy as well. Maybe the activities could have been spread over 2 or 3 days, rather than crammed all into one.

I'm glad I found out about J'b's helpful streak. It's always great when children enjoy being helpful, and it's a much better way for him to seek attention then throwing tantrums and faking distress.


Tandanie 1 November 2009 at 14:25  

Happy Halloween, Mark!
Surely that Halloween party is mostly for adults to entertain the children. Here in M'sia, Halloween is for the adults to play "dressing-up". Kids do not know what's Halloween all about except for candies or treats... that ice-cream is the best part for them.
Pity lil Belle... Hope her finger gets better fast so that she can enjoy her water and sand play.

I'm a full-time mummy 2 November 2009 at 15:45  

Wah! Face painting, costume contest, pizza making?! A bit too advanced for 2-4 yr olds leh I feel... should've just do some simple handicrafts things with paper, ice cream stick, colouring or something..

Mark 2 November 2009 at 19:21  

Thanks! :) I just sat at home hoping I wouldn't get visited by any troublemakers.

Yea, but I think the adults get a bit too caught up in it, so it's not very entertaining for the children.

Bella's been adapting to being one-handed. She uses her mouth to hold and open things. =-P

Mark 2 November 2009 at 20:01  

Full-time Mummy: Yea, naturally you cover their face with paint, their reaction is to try and touch it. So with each child, you can hear the staff member going NO! DON'T TOUCH! WHY DID YOU DO THAT? I JUST SPENT AGES DOING IT AND YOU'VE SMEARED IT ALL! YOU SAW ME DOING IT! WHY DID YOU DO THAT???

We did have ice cream sticks going into the chocolate apples, but I don't think their little hands are strong enough to do it.

I think they did have them covering the apples in chocolate and sugar sprinkles at first, but in the interests of time, adults ended up doing that as well.

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A reflective journal concerned with communication and relationships with children during my work placement for the Early Years Professional Status (EYPS).

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It's 2 degrees Celsius! Can't we skip outdoor play just for once? Even the kids keep going "Cold! Go in! Go in!"
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