Early Years Childcare

My Reflective Journal

Entry #21, 18 November 2009

S'r stacked some triangles according to the colours of the rainbow again. Interestingly, he substituted the blue one for an extra purple one.

He also lined open books up on the table. When he found that there was not enough room to line them all up, he then closed them, and lined them up that way.

A photographer was here to take the children's pictures. While waiting her turn, I'c's mother would frequently pop by the room, and wave to I'c. While this may have seemed endearing to her, this only repeatedly upset I'c, as he still had to remain in the room.

Moving Forward
Sometimes a child will be upset during the drop off. Presumably, the parent will feel guilty at leaving the child in a distressed state, and will sometimes even come back to say goodbye to the child again. What this actually does is to upset the child all over again, even though many children quickly calm down once their parent/carer is gone. I guess it's more for the parents to feel at ease with themselves, rather than for the sake of the child.


Alee 22 November 2009 at 15:20  

Silver does seem to be very interested in rainbow. His earlier experience with rainbow may hv been a positive one (hv you asked any staff or his parents abt his prior experience with rainbow?). Rainbow has 7 colours; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet (the last two are shades of purple).

If you were to ask him about rainbows or why he is lining up the books, would he answer? What are his usual answers?

Mark 22 November 2009 at 16:00  

I think it's part of his condition that he's very into patterns, colours and order (lining things up, stacking, etc).

I don't dare to probe too much, as it's kind of a sensitive issue.

Oh, yea, I think there was only one shade of purple, so maybe that's why he used two? He didn't the first time I saw it though.

Silver doesn't seem to talk coherently. I've only ever heard him say what I think was 1, 2, 3, 4.

You seem interested in Silver. :) He's a sweet kid, always singing, smiling and laughing to himself. If only he didn't have to be picked up so much. >.<

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A reflective journal concerned with communication and relationships with children during my work placement for the Early Years Professional Status (EYPS).

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