Early Years Childcare

My Reflective Journal

Entry #10, 3 November 2009

Limited time with the kids today, as I was busy having discussions with my mentor and...cleaning. As though getting poo on me wasn't glamorous enough.

C'r has been toilet training, and is usually rewarded with a sticker for his efforts. As is normally the case with using the reward system, it's come to the point that he expects to automatically get stickers, as once he's done his "job", he immediately asks for a sticker.

And when the stickers aren't around, ie at home? His mother mentioned that he's not doing so great at the toilet training at home. Despite there being potties in every single room of the house, C'r had hidden himself under a table to do a poo on the floor.

Moving Forward
I'd always wondered if I should get stickers too. A lot of staff do it, as it's a great way to get kids to do what you want, in the short term at least. I guess the long term benefits aren't really there, but even the short term benefits often seem tempting after a frustrating period of children not listening...


Tandanie 6 November 2009 at 01:31  

Stickers are so common now! It's more about the value... if the kids can valued their stickers. Once I have an experience with the 6 yrs old kids...Since he didn't get any sticker as the reward for me, he told me that it's fine because his mummy can buy it for him!
So where is the value of the stickers? NIL!

Mark 6 November 2009 at 20:04  

Hahaha, true enough, after awhile children tend to get bored of the same rewards.

So what do you use as rewards then?

I don't mean to be sexist, but I've often wondered why some of the rougher boys would even be bothered about cutesy stickers.

I think they're after the attention and praise, rather than the sticker itself.

I've also seen others who are used to getting stickers, get upset when they didn't get themthe. But after they got them, they weren't very bothered if they fell off and got lost.

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A reflective journal concerned with communication and relationships with children during my work placement for the Early Years Professional Status (EYPS).

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