Early Years Childcare

My Reflective Journal

Entry #26, 25 November 2009

I was off ill today. Unlike in Malaysia, if your ill for just a few days, you don't actually need a Medical Certificate.

When I went into work the next day, there was another member of staff who clearly wasn't feeling well either. When asked why she was in, she said she'd feel guilty if she just didn't turn up. The assistant manager sent her home anyway.

Moving Forward
While I initially felt a pang of guilt because of the other staff's dedication, in retrospect I feel that calling in sick is better than turning up sick. When you call in sick, management is given advance warning to plan the day around a shortfall of staff. If you turn up sick, that advance warning is taken away, and what's worse, you're very likely to perform your duties ineffectively, as well as passing your illness on to others.

Nurseries are a breeding ground for germs, and it's not uncommon for a simple flu to just continually be passed round and round.


pattster 2 December 2009 at 00:07  

Do sick kids get compulsory MC too?

Mark 2 December 2009 at 19:53  

Sadly no.

And I really mean it when I say sadly.

Very often parents bring in kids who are obviously ill. Besides infecting others, the child will be just plain miserable.

It's also very sensitive (I'm not saying it's not done though) for a carer to say "I'm sorry, but your child is too ill to be in nursery."

Parents will instead hear "I know your child better than you do" or "You're a bad parent".

pattster 3 December 2009 at 00:13  

but (at the care centre i volunteer at) they have a big sign out front saying


no policies like that in place?

Mark 7 December 2009 at 21:31  

Lots of policies like that in place, including newsletters to remind them.

But you know how things are. :)

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Involve Asia


A reflective journal concerned with communication and relationships with children during my work placement for the Early Years Professional Status (EYPS).

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